Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010 started off great...dog was walked by 0830, got the cake baked by 0900, and were to my aunt's by 1100. Amazing...We were on time! We had a great day and were continually reminded how blessed we really are. It was nice to take it slow and not be reminded every minute of all the stuff that needs to get done. Flash forward to Friday...oh my! Got up and haven't stopped since! But, we've got the $2 bills that everyone says the Thai/Laos/Cambodia kids love, we've (I mean Baker ;) got the yard raked, & the house cleaned! Tomorrow is packing and debugging the clothes (mosquitoes love me). "They" say this stuff will really work; won't get a bite ever---uh huh...we'll see. But first is...dun dun dun...the Fit Pit! Oh No!! www.fitpitkc.com
Pretty sure the Indians & Pilgrims would've loved fried pickles...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Beginning...
As I sit here at work (bored with tons to do) on my last day for nearly three and a half weeks (right before Thanksgiving) I'm conflicted on my feelings for my trip...1) I'm beginning to hyperventilate on the fact that I'll be gone from the homeland/friends/phones/Kooper for this long of time 2) There's soooo much to do in the next several days (including deep cleaning of the house, T-day cooking, & packing) 3) The scary war that may or may not start in the 2 Koreas (we're landing there for approximatley 2 or so hours...not too sure with all of the time changes) 4) Excited to be going to Thailand!!!!
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