Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Beginning...

As I sit here at work (bored with tons to do) on my last day for nearly three and a half weeks (right before Thanksgiving) I'm conflicted on my feelings for my trip...1) I'm beginning to hyperventilate on the fact that I'll be gone from the homeland/friends/phones/Kooper for this long of time 2) There's soooo much to do in the next several days (including deep cleaning of the house, T-day cooking, & packing) 3) The scary war that may or may not start in the 2 Koreas (we're landing there for approximatley 2 or so hours...not too sure with all of the time changes) 4) Excited to be going to Thailand!!!!


  1. Watch out for the Tuck-Tuck's they will try to deceive you. Also remember,'Same-Same but different.'

  2. I have some Thai songs for you -
