Friday, December 3, 2010

30 Baht = $1

Hi Everyone!  Sorry it's taken me so long to get anything's been a lot of flying, driving, & not very good internet.  :)  So far everything's been really great here.  Yesterday (our 1st day here) was fantastic & hot...I hear there's some bad weather coming to the midwest. We visited the Grand Palace & saw several Buddist Temples, including the Emerald Budda.  Talk about insane architecture.  How did these folks manage to build all of these wonderful structures without all of our modern technology??  We were guests at BIT, Bangkok Institute of Theology, where the students provided us a fantastic dinner and Diary Queen ice cream cake!  It was Barb Baker's (mom-in-law) birthday and all of the nearly 120 students sang her happy birthday.  It was pretty amazing.

Today we went to the floating river market. What a neat experience to witness. We have had some issues with currencey'd think we all forgot how to do the math.  I won't lie though...I'm seriously sleep deprived at this point...

Tomorrow we are visiting elephants!! whoa!


  1. Great pictures Amanda. Happy Birthday Barbara.

  2. Can't wait to see more pictures! :)

  3. I just realized that I don't think my first post took. Anyways, glad that you are enjoying your time! Seems pretty amazing! Can't wait to see more pictures ;)
